Thursday, October 28, 2010

RIM Launches BlackBerry Bold 9780


RIM Launches BlackBerry Bold 9780

BlackBerry maker Research in Motion (RIM) has updated its Bold series to the 9780 officially. The Bold used to be the BlackBerry flagship model, till the Torch 9800 which seems to have taken over the throne. The 9780 is very similar in terms of look and feel to its predecessor, the Bold 9700. What has changed for the better is a camera upgrade to 5 megapixel from 3.2 megapixel. Second, the screen is minutely smaller by 0.04-inches, now measuring 2.4-inches but has a reportedly lower resolution of 400 x 360 pixel resolution (the Bold 9700 had a 480 x 360). We can't say we're entirely convinced by this though. 

Finally, it's also got double the amount of RAM i.e. 512 MB. Reasons cited for this upgrade are so that it their newer BlackBerry OS 6 needs that much for a smooth operation. What we're itching to know is what will be the fate of existing models with 256MB RAM impending their OS 6 update; will they work noticeably laggy? OS 6 will bring big changes like a re-designed menu structure, universal search, a webkit-based browser and integration of all social networking feeds. Otherwise, all other hardware is the same - the 624 MHz processor, GPS/Wi-fi/3G and a QWERTY keyboard with an optical track-pad. For current Bold 9700 owners, there seems to be not such a great reason to upgrade; since they'll be getting the OS 6 update as well.

However, for the first time BlackBerry buyers, the 9780 will basically ensure a slightly better experience. In U.S., it'll be sold by T-mobile for $130 with a two year contract. We'll let you know the India pricing when it is announced.

Source: PC Mag

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