Wednesday, November 3, 2010

SCVGNR Uses Google To Take Social Game Global

SCVGNR Uses Google 

To Take Social Game 


Google Places API enables mobile game to be played on an Apple iPhone or Android-based smartphone from any country. 

SCVNGR is tapping into Google Places' database of business listings to take its location-based mobile game global.

SCVNGR, which is backed by Google Ventures and other investors, said Tuesday that people could play the company's social game from an Apple iPhone or Android-based smartphone from any country. While the default language is English, people can play the game in their native language.

SCVNGR uses rewards to entice players to head to a particular business or other place. Players earn points for performing simple tasks at the locations, such as taking a picture of themselves at the place and sharing it with friends. The more points gathered, the better the prizes or discounts players can get from businesses that partner with SCVNGR.

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Using the Google API, SCVNGR can send players to millions of places outside the United States. "At SCVNGR, our goal has always been to build the game layer on top of the world," the company said in its blog. "But until today, we were missing a critical component … the rest of the world."

Google Places lets businesses connect a Web page with Google Maps search results. A person is sent to the page when he clicks on the "more info" link in Maps results or in the info bubble on the map.

Google has made an application programming interface available for Places as a developer preview. SCVNGR is using the API in integrating with the service.

SCVNGR completes with Foursquare, Loopt and other mobile game companies. The company late last year raised $4 million in second-round funding led by Google Ventures.
By Antone Gonsalves

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